Saturday, May 13, 2023

The pyramids of Giza and the precession of the Equinox

Archaeologist Graham Hancock has provided us vast knowledge about our ancient civilisations through his expeditions and studies in the recent years. His deep sea marine archaeology led to the discovery of the ancient city of Dwaraka near Gujarat and his most important discovery of the Kumarikandam, a sunken land mass, the root of Tamil culture in the Indian Ocean.

He says there were intelligent civilisations before Harappa and Mohen ja daro.
The ancestors who built the Egyptian pyramid and Ankorwat in Cambodia are older than we have thought.

Researchers use software like sky globe to trace the positions of stars and planets at any date in the history or future. We know that the constellations, stars, planets in the sky keep changing positions every year.

When seeing the biggest religious monument i.e. the Ankorwat from the sky, from the pattern of it, they saw it matching to the constellation Draco in the space. The ancients have constructed the celestial map on earth.

But a perfect match was achieved only when they traced the angle of the Draco constellation back to 10,500 BC. That was during the end of the ice age.

Likewise the pyramids of Egypt represent the constellation of Orion, the three stars that appear in a straight line in the night sky.

And they pyramids matched with the angle of the Orion constellation only when we traced the stars back to 10,500 BC.


We can see the similarities between the ancient monuments at two different places on earth representing the stars like how they appeared in the sky in 10,500 BC.

Why do these ancient constructions point to 10,500 BC?

The great Sphinx in Egypt is also older than previously predicted. The texture of  it is caused by continuous rainfall and we dint have that kind of  a rainfall in Egypt for the past 5000 years. It should have happened during 10,500BC when Egypt was green and getting heavy rainfall. The sphinx has the body of a lion and the head of a king (human).
But the true Sphinx had a lion head which was changed to a human head by the kings of the later dynasties.

Precession of the equinoxes.

There are 88 constellations in the sky.

The earth orbits around the sun which forms an ecliptic plane and the zodiac signs are the 12 constellations that lie in the ecliptic plane.

From earth's perspective we can see the sun moving through a different constellation every month. Thus it takes one year to complete a full cycle through the 12 zodiac signs. This is the zodiac calendar.

There’s a movement of the earth called the precession. Earth spins (rotation) on its axis at the speed of 24hrs and it also wobbles (which cannot be observed easily). This slow wobbling causes the precession of the equinox cycle which takes 26000 years to finish one circle and the ancient Mayans, Indians and Egyptians have observed it.

This wobbling or the precession cycle changes by 1 degree every 72 years.

A full 360 degree change takes 72x360 = 25920 years, by rounding it as 26,000yrs, we call it one platonic age.

So when a full cycle through the 12 constellations in a platonic year or precession cycle takes 25920 years, the time for the change from one constellation to the other is 25920/12 constellations = 2160 years

Its the age of Pisces now, on the spring equinox(vernal) of every year we can see the Pisces constellation showing up before sunrise or after sunset.

Every year we see the pisces constellation on the spring equinox date.

The path of the sun (in the point of view from earth) goes through each zodiac and comes back to pisces on that equinox date.

But due to the precessional cycle this will change every 2160 years.
We are about to move into the Aquarian age very soon.

We don’t have definitive answers to when this will happen.

Nicholas Campion suggests that approximated dates for entering the Age of Aquarius range from 1447 AD to 3597 AD, there are many claims from many researchers. Most writers claim the Age of Aquarius arrived in the 20th century (29 claims). The 24th century is in second place (12 claims).
Many also say it happens in the year 2012.
The New age movements claim that the Aquarian age started in 1970's, that’s when the hippie culture started  .

Yogi Bhajan, says that The Age of Aquarius began on November 11, 1991 and fully transitioned from Pisces on November 20, 2011.

In the age of Aries, the Egyptians built huge statues with Goat heads, they called it Ram.

The Great Sphinx with the Lion head must have been built in 10,500BC in the age of Leo and not in 2500 BC.

Stones cannot be carbon dated, therefore the pyramid and the sphinx and other monuments also cannot be carbon dated.

So how did our scientists find the date of these architectures?
The Egyptologists simply carbon dated the skulls and other organic body parts around the pyramid. They concluded its time period as 2500 BC especially after they saw a name scribbled (they thought it’s the king who built it) in one of the chambers in the pyramid.

No mummified bodies were ever found inside the Pyramids. All the bodies (mummies) were found only in a place called the kings valley which is far from the pyramids. If the pyramids are not tombs then what are they?

There are two shafts leading from the kings chamber and queens chamber, the Egyptologists thought they were air vents, they dint know the pyramid was a portal, a stargate for the soul to enter other dimensions, The pyramid is like a flight simulator for the soul to reach the stars.

The Kings chamber has a coffin like structure to place one's body and there are holes or shafts which leads or directly points towards the constellations in the sky. The Orion belt.

There are also other pyramids in Egypt built by later dynasties but they were badly made and nowhere near to the exquisite art of the Giza pyramids. This shows that the Great pyramids of Giza were not built by the Egyptians of the 2500 BC, they were built by a super high tech race who could understand precession cycle and map the movement of stars accurately, cut huge blocks of stones and transport them to huge distances, most importantly they knew the science of the souls and the afterlife.

Graham hancock says, there lived an unknown race in history long before the Egyptians and Sumerians. They disappeared around 10,500 BC by a huge catastrophe. The Egyptian pyramid has been built with a high technical master engineering which cannot be achieved even in our time. The stone cuttings near the pyramid and the drillings in the stones are so powerful, 500 times more powerful than our modern drilling equipment. There should have existed a highly intelligent super race that has left its legacy, their fingerprints in many parts of the world.

There are pyramids in Mexico, china and many other parts of the world too.

10,500 BC was when the ice age ended, the ice melted and created floods in many parts of the world, increasing the sea level and many continents and cities of the master race went under the sea.

Antarctica was discovered only in the 1800's and it is covered with miles of ice surface but the maps of the ancient Alexandria library in Egypt knew about Antarctica with depictions of rivers and mountains.
Even Hitler had sent a special Nazi team to search for the lost super race in Antarctica.

The story of Atlantis going under water was told to us by Plato who claims that his information of ancient Athens and Atlantis come from a visit to Egypt by the legendary Athenian lawgiver Solon in the 6th century BC. In Egypt, Solon met a priest of Sais, who translated the history of ancient Atlantis, recorded on papyri in Egyptian hieroglyphs).

The priest of Egypt said to Solon that “at every change of the great ages, there will be a global disaster which will wipe out every memory of the previous civilisation and humanity has to start again as children who know nothing of it.

There are also some hidden chambers inside the Giza pyramid and also under the sphinx. May be the answer is somewhere in those chambers.

More insight @

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