Professor Gerald Crabtree, who heads a genetics laboratory at Stanford University in California, has put forward the iconoclastic idea that rather than getting cleverer, human intelligence peaked several thousand years ago and from then on there has been a slow decline in our intellectual and emotional abilities.
UFO's are seen all over the world, some appear in the classic disc shape.
The characteristics that differentiates an UFO from a normal flight:
1. sudden ninety degree turns,
2. sudden visibility and non visibility,
3. splitting into smaller crafts
4. amazing speed patterns.
There are aliens , alien space crafts and alien contactees.
Contactees are people who can contact the aliens and channelise messages from them.
The crop circle phenomenon
There are real crop circles and fake ones, it needs proper research to find out the real ones.
There were some hoaxers who created few crop circles and when they got caught, the media stated that all crop circles are hoax . They made crop circles with plank boards, tying them around their neck with rope and walking on the crops to create the patterns.
More than 10,000 crop circle formations have been found in more than 29 countries, a majority of them near the stone henge in England. The crop circles have complicated symbols and meanings, they sure cannot be created overnight in few hours with plank boards and rope or even with a good bunch of art students.
Man made crop circles will have a rough design , irregular shapes and broken crops but the real crop circles are :
*Totally regular in shape with the shafts of corn bent not broken and often intricately woven in with each other, seemingly impossible for humans to do even with sophisticated surveying equipment. The bending is created from the inside the crop and not from the outside. It changes the molecular structure of the crops but doesn't harm the crop.
*The soil in a crop circle is 2 to 3 times as radioactive as the soil outside the crop circle , 50-100 micron diameter spherical beads of pure iron have also been found within crop circles.* when measuring the electromagnetic field around these circles it dramatically shoots up as soon as you enter them, which again could not be caused by a bunch of students or surveyors , Measurements of the Earth's magnetic field inside crop circles, have been recorded with increases up to 120%.
*More than 80 people have witnessed and reported seeing crop circles forming in 15-20 seconds
*They can make a trilling sound with a frequency of 5.2kHz
*Most crop circles are formed on rainy days and no foot prints are found anywhere near .
These crop circles carry a meaning in the patterns .
Crop circle formations continue to increase in size and complexity
We had an alien face in a crop circle once.
This pic is an example for the presence of orbs in crop circle photos, orbs are circular artifacts which sometimes occur in flash photography.
These orbs are normal but many have claimed seeing mysterious orbs in their photographs, entering and leaving bodies while praying. These orbs are common in crop circle photos because real crop circles are very energised. In the mid 1970, a group of astronomers sent a radio wave message into space 25000 light years away through the Arecibo radio telescope.

(this is the encoded message in binary characters, 1679 pulses of binary code (0's and 1's). It was transmitted on a frequency of 2380MHz)
Only two primary numbers 23 and 73 when multiplied can give the umber 1679.

(This is a crop circle with a disc shaped coding which when decoded by the ASCII coding system in computers gives us the message)
why would the Alien race send us a message in the ASCII system which was developed by computer engineers in America ? The other crop Circles are usually based on standards like prime numbers, pi and symbols found in natural forms but a variety of ideas and hypothesis tell us there could be aliens living among us in the undergrounds. The truth is " the aliens have been visiting us.
There are descriptions of Vimanas (vimanam) or flying machines that navigated at great heights in the ancient Vimana Sasthiram (science of aeronautics). There is a description of a Vimana: "An apparatus which can go by its own force, from one place to another place or globe to globe.
"The text's revelations become even more astounding". Thirty-one parts-of which the machine consists-are described, including a photographing mirror underneath. The text also enumerates 16 kinds of metal that are needed to construct the flying vehicle: "But only three of them are known to us today. The rest remain untranslatable - Dr. Raghavan
Dr. A.V. Krishna Murty, professor of aeronautics at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, another authority who agrees with Dr. Raghavan's interpretations says that "It is true", the ancient Indian texts refer to aeronautics, spaceships, flying machines and ancient astronauts.
The other civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time. It’s clear that their appearance is bizarre from any traditionalistic western point of view. There is abundant evidence that they use the technologies of consciousness, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems. How they can manipulate time and space locally so they can have their own anti-gravity propulsion. They have their own energy field, electromagnetic field that’s isolated. -Dr Brian O’Leary, American Scientists, NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. - Dr Edgar Mitchell ,Pilot, retired Captain in the US Navy and NASA Astronaut. Sixth person to walk on the Moon. Co founder of the Institute for Cooperation in Space and Institute of Noetic Sciences.
There was even a witness testimony from retired US military personnel in a press meeting about UFO's
The aliens in space crafts are intelligent and superior enough to make light speed travels
They have the technology to temporarily shut down our weapons system .
They have been seen hovering over the missile launching bases in US,
They can shut down our radar.
Due to the increased UFO sightings in Mexico , the majority orthodox Christian people in there reported this to the pope in the Vatican and the pope couldn't reject the claims, so he said let them come, accept the sightings and we will try to convert those aliens to christians.
The Egyptian god Osiris is usually depicted with a green skin and an odd, elongated head.
(This is not the head of Osiris, many Egyptians artificially elongated their head because they wanted to look like Osiris (or perhaps like the alien gods from the sky).
The Sumerian texts say Gods from planet Nibiru called the Annunaki came to earth, at present only 220 people in the world can translate sumerian texts directly.
Are humans genetically created from apes by aliens (not evolved by Darwin's law) ? - Lloyd Pye
There's a missing link in the evolution of human history .
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