It depends on our belief or what we believe.
Pi Patel : "'So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can't prove the question either way, which story do you prefer? Which is the better story, the story with animals or the story without animals?'
Mr. Okamoto: 'That's an interesting question?'
Mr. Chiba: 'The story with animals.'
Mr. Okamoto: 'Yes. The story with animals is the better story.'
Pi Patel: 'Thank you. And so it goes with God.'"
What does Patel (the lead role) says in the climax of the film ?
He tells two
stories, one with the tiger, zebra , hyena and orangutan.
And the other
story with his mom, a sailor and a cook.
Both stories are the same, both
realities can exist at the same time.
Spirituality is an experience that only you can feel and it cant be explained to others. If the events and miracles in your spiritual path are strange to believe, it will be a hard to accept story for others. In life of pi, he co exists with a tiger for survival in a boat and visits a poisonous island.
The tiger gave him the spirit to survive and the island, even though dangerous, it gave him hope. People will easily believe the same story if it is said without the animals i.e. without the miracles.
The story with animals become a better story when we start believing in miracles of life, only if we believe. "And so it goes with god " because God cannot be explained, he should be experienced, you will believe him only when you experience.
God keeps working in mysterious ways .
More insight @
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