Saturday, May 13, 2023

Right brained light worker

LEFT BRAIN  - intellect, science, math, analytical thoughts and ego.

RIGHT BRAIN - heart, spirit, intuition, creativity, art and music.

There is something incredible happening in the heart region. We are spiritual beings in a physical body, our vibrations are more intense in the heart region and we are more of a free flowing waveform and not  a solid body in the quantum energy field.  .

The shift of consciousness is also a shift from the left brain thinking to right brain feeling.

A shift from the intellect to intuition can unlock vast potential like telepathy and clairvoyance.
A new study says humans have developed language because of our inability to truly communicate. Dolphins and whales can share messages and sing songs from 100's of miles apart.
Alien contactees have reported telepathic communication.

More insight @

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