Biodiversity is the beauty of life and the survival of a species is dependent on genetic mutation and variation.
variation is very important for evolution or else our species will face mass extinction.
For natural selection to happen, sexual selection must happen in its natural method where the dominant female selects her mate, she chooses a suitable male, a suitable partner. In modern times, the social cultural system has changed the process of natural selection. The looks, the smell and other biological signals play at an intuitive and instinctive level in natural selection.
Non biological factors such as Family values, distribution of wealth, caste and religion can sometimes interfere with natural selection but when there is a strong Love relationship involved, these insignificant factors usually lose their authority.
Religion and caste are identity for the people who don't have any greater purpose or philosophy in life.
When some advanced civillisations stop focusing on combat and start educating medicine, astronomy and spirituality, they wouldn't be prepared for war and so unexpected battles were always an headache. The invaders will be amazed by the inventions and innovations of this advanced civillisation.
They will want to own it even before they want to learn it. In order to acquire the land, the language and the science of the natives :
1. The invaders will add some signature qualities of his primitive language into the advanced language, will give it a new name and claim the copyrights to it.
2. Since the prisoners of war are now converted to the invader's religion, he can now claim the people as theirs too. Its hard to keep track or trace back one's cultural historical roots when whoever is in power keeps manipulating and destroying the native history over the years in a well planned way.
3. They Re shape all the religious, cultural and historical constructions with a little modification and call it a new style, a new culture.
4. They will divide the provinces or change boundaries of the internal states and districts to create divide between the people of a common ethnicity. They will label the people under new caste names.
5. The tribe that fights more against the ruling power (invaded race) will be politically oppressed and suppressed into the lowest class/caste and they will be cursed/ ill-treated like that forever.
6.The tribe which bootlicks the invaders or blends with them enthusiastically by identifying some common grounds will be allowed to share some administrative power ( the so called high class/caste).
7. Education, food and medicine will be restricted for the lower class. A new hierarchy will be strictly placed based on religious cross over of the invader's race. A hybrid culture will be formed.

Over the years, the lower/suppressed class will forget their history and they will become physically and mentally weak resulting in lower IQ over the generations because man is shaped by the environment he lives in.
That's why we have reservations for the backward castes and It is important to continue it for at least ten generations.
Over the years, the lower/suppressed class will forget their history and they will become physically and mentally weak resulting in lower IQ over the generations because man is shaped by the environment he lives in.
That's why we have reservations for the backward castes and It is important to continue it for at least ten generations.
There are no low castes and higher castes, there are only politically oppressed and politically supported castes.
Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall, civilisations flourish and civilisations die.
In the movie "Dance with wolves", The Native Red Indians on seeing the westerners on their first contact, they thought westerners were dirty and smelly. The Red Indians had their own medicines culture and everything.

People in poverty will engage in crime for money and the law will jail them. The government and the law will make us believe we need them for the safety of our families and to function properly as a society.
In the movie "Dance with wolves", The Native Red Indians on seeing the westerners on their first contact, they thought westerners were dirty and smelly. The Red Indians had their own medicines culture and everything.

People in poverty will engage in crime for money and the law will jail them. The government and the law will make us believe we need them for the safety of our families and to function properly as a society.
In one word " Fear tactics"
We can be one among the many who will change this world.
Who do we want to be ????

Who do we want to be ????
More insight @
Too good mathi many things you have spoken abt here..and you have wonderfully related everythin together ☺
Wonderful writing and the way you portrayed was good and well handled
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