If you collapse an underwater bubble with a soundwave, light is produced and we don't know why .
Science promoted fertilisers and pesticides , now we are changing back to organic farming.
Pluto getting dismissed from the solar family was a great shock to all science students.
Any matter on this universe has two properties i.e. mass and volume. Our science discovered the truth about Mass only recently. WE ARE STILL ONLY LEARNING THE BASICS. Seriously what good can we learn about this vast cosmos if we don't know what gives a particle its mass ?

The galactic particles, clusters, stars, planets, moons and everything constitutes only 0.4% of the space.
74% of the space is dark energy. Only very recently we found some ways of photographing dark energy. With better telescopes comes better science but what about the things which cant be seen ? ?

Lets make it as simpler as possible .
Lets just start with avatar, The film Avatar by James Cameron.
Its a futuristic film where we humans go to another planet with a big army and scientific technology for what ?? to kill the native alien tribe and mine a precious element from under the ground in there.
The hero Jake sully in his avatar body gets trapped in the jungle at night, he uses fire to fight away the hyena like creatures but Neytiri, the native alien tribe girl comes to rescue. One of the first things she does is putting off the fire he created .
Not only the planet called "Pandora" in the movie avatar, even our earth is also filled with Bioluminescence, plants and insects which can spread light but urbanisation and industrialisation has killed most of our natural environment.
Neytiri goes near the dead creature and says a small prayer .. for its soul to rest in peace.
Writer and archaeologist Graham Hancock once asked a shaman in a tribe in the amazon forest " what is the problem with the western people ? ? "
and the shaman said, the westerners have cut their connection with their souls , they wont go forward in their journey until they restore their connection ".
Even just plain survival could be the purpose of our life . The more we stick to survival, the more it provides balance to the eco system.
Only man thinks he has a greater purpose.
Let me share a Zen story in brief ..
two Zen dudes, lets say Harold and Kumar are walking to their monastery along a river bank. There were some women trying to cross the river and a woman was seeking help to cross the river.
Harold quickly turns away his head to avoid seeing those women because women are objects of desire but the other Zen dude Kumar helps that woman by carrying her on his shoulders across that river.
They continue walking towards the monastery.
Harold asks: Dude, you carried that woman on your shoulders, don't you know they create dangerous desires ??
Kumar says: Dude, I left her down on the other bank and there is nothing more to talk about it.
Harold : but is that not a sin ?
Kumar : its Not, if you are not still carrying her in your mind.
And they have the big birds sitting there in the branches of the home tree like parked vehicles. The tribes just connect their minds to the animal mind and immediately use them for flying anywhere they want.

We hear reports of elephants disturbing the lives of people in small towns . I don't have to point out the irony, more than half of our oxygen comes from phytoplankton. If we lose 10% of our phytoplankton, our oxygen supply is reduced by 5%. Atmospheric oxygen is about 20% and that sounds like plenty, but guess what, at 15% we begin to suffocate.

All of us will have to leave this industrial society and turn back to natural ways of living .
In Akira Kurosawa's film " Dreams", a man goes to a village, he meets an old villager and asks ..
The man : There's no electricity here !!
Old man : Don't need it. People get too used to convenience, they think convenience is better. They throw out what's truly good.
The man : But what about lights ?!
A river flows in the center of the village, children play happily with flowers, people live till they are 100 yrs old and they celebrate funerals . Everyone comes together for the funerals to bid farewell to the soul.
In the book "alchemist" by Paulo Coelho,
In avatar, we see free flowing clean water everywhere. There is nothing in that world which can pollute that water. They cherish their water like bees drinking nectar from flowers.
But here we are on earth carrying water in plastic bottles.
The man : There's no electricity here !!
Old man : Don't need it. People get too used to convenience, they think convenience is better. They throw out what's truly good.
Old man : We've got candles and Linseed oil
The man : But Night's so Dark . .
Old man : Yes, That's what night is supposed to be. Why should be night be as bright as day ?
I wouldn't like nights so bright, you couldn't see the stars.
The man : What do you use for fuel ?
Old man : Firewood mostly, we don't feel right chopping down trees but enough fall down by themselves. We cut them and use them as firewood and if you make charcoal from the wood, just a few trees can give you as much heat as a whole forest, Yes and cow dung make good fuel too . A river flows in the center of the village, children play happily with flowers, people live till they are 100 yrs old and they celebrate funerals . Everyone comes together for the funerals to bid farewell to the soul.
We are multi dimensional beings and spirituality is the science of understanding the multidimensional reality. To understand the other dimensions is one of the purpose of our life.
In the book "alchemist" by Paulo Coelho,
it says "if we really believe in something , the energy in the center of the universe will help you and make your dreams come true." How will something that exists in the core of the universe .. millions of light years away help someone who lives in a tiny planet called earth ??
A research done in the Australian National university in the recent times have given us an image like never before. Seeing this image, we can understand that the space is not dark, its just dark in our limited perception.
When Neytiri sees Jake (a human in a navi body) for the first time in the forest decides to kill him but a small beautiful seed flies to her and floats down on her hand. She takes it as a sign and stops her idea of killing him.
Its a seed from Eywa (tree of souls ), the alien tribes in this movie avatar believe that they have a connection with the trees. They don't believe, they just know it. Neytiri understands that Jake has a good soul.
" Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual
journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of
love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose
on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves
and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things.
Meaning lies in us. "

"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease" - Hippocrates.
I died as mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and turned to animal.
I died as animal and became man.
What fear I, then, as I cannot diminish by dying?
Once when I die as a human, I'll become an angel,
and I shall give up angelhood,
For Not-Being, 'adam, calls with an organ like voice:
"verily we are His, and to Him we return!"
Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī ¤*•.¸¸?•*´¨`*•.¸¸.
We take several several lives (incarnations ) till we are conscious enough to go to the next level of reality. When Buddha got enlightened under the bodhi tree, he ascended one step higher in his spiritual journey, he travelled inside himself.
JESUS is also one such ascended master who wanted to help his people to get salvation .
- - Marianne Williamson

we and everything around us are waves and frequencies - Gregg Braden in "Language of the divine matrix"
"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease" - Hippocrates.
I died as mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and turned to animal.
I died as animal and became man.
What fear I, then, as I cannot diminish by dying?
Once when I die as a human, I'll become an angel,
and I shall give up angelhood,
For Not-Being, 'adam, calls with an organ like voice:
"verily we are His, and to Him we return!"
Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī ¤*•.¸¸?•*´¨`*•.¸¸.
We take several several lives (incarnations ) till we are conscious enough to go to the next level of reality. When Buddha got enlightened under the bodhi tree, he ascended one step higher in his spiritual journey, he travelled inside himself.
The bible can be viewed as a metaphor for astro-theology.
The bible can be viewed as a metaphor for astro-theology.
"There shall be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars." - Jesus Christ, Luke 21:25
Real science is the quest for understanding, not the quest for profit.

--William H. Bragg (1862-1942) ,British physicist, chemist, and mathematician. Awarded Nobel Prize in 1915
"I find it as difficult to understand a scientist who does not acknowledge the presence of a superior rationality behind the existence of the universe as it is to comprehend a theologian who would deny the advances of science."
--Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977) ,German-American rocket scientist
"It was not by accident that the greatest thinkers of all ages were deeply religious souls."
--Max Planck (1858-1947) ,German physicist, noted for work on quantum theory
"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light-years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual...The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both."
--Carl Sagan (1934-1996),American astrophysicist
“I couldn't get myself to read the want ads. The thought of sitting in front of a man behind a desk and telling him that I wanted a job, that I was qualified for a job, was too much for me. Frankly, I was horrified by life, at what a man had to do simply in order to eat, sleep, and keep himself clothed. So I stayed in bed and drank. When you drank the world was still out there, but for the moment it didn't have you by the throat.” - Charles Bukowski
The power of human thought grows exponentially with the number of minds that share that thought.”- Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol
Group meditations and prayers will be very helpful to share a positive vibration around the planet.

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness. - Lao Tzu
More insight @
way back i started some research abt doomsday and found only a handful of decent articles and tis is really an astonishing article with admirable pile of info wit excellent compilation.. despite most of the facts presented are really agreeable and some being freakishly freaking, i found some which aren't quite convincing and highly questionable ( guess my left brain had came into play:P ).. convincing or not, i strongly believe tat some things are beyond our understanding and modern science cannot embrace the unparalleled when it derives its solution using only a logical and practical mind.. this article is really a portal to realize those other dimensions and worth reading.. eagerly waiting to witness the "SHIFT" !! aham brahmasmi !!
BRILLIANT article Mathi! Not only did you affirm the mild doubts or feelings that have been inside me for a long time, you also made me understand and EMBRACE the spiritual journey that I have begun. I cannot wait to experience THE SHIFT, and now, i am certain that I can create a peaceful world for my children...or rather, make the world that I have "borrowed" from my unborn children, a Better Place for them to live! KUDOS to your research, and effort. I am sharing this with my family and friends. BIG HUG! Muuuah! :)
@mad :Thanks madhu . . aham brahmasmi :)
@rashmi : i was wondering if u read it or not . . thanks and its for the children mainly , my active interest in the anti nuclear propaganda is also because of the same reason , the next generation should not be a victim of this generation's left brain madness . sincere thanks for ur time and love :)
Semma work machi... Way to go. God Bless :)
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