*Mayakkam Enna*
I loved this movie , it was a beautiful journey and many of my friends like it
but two days after release .. . im seeing a lot of bad reviews abt the movie along with the good reviews and highly contrary comments .. ,
some even comment that its the worst movie they've seen .
so here i list out some reasons why i like the movie .
to make the page interesting .. im comparing it with another movie "Vinnai Thaandi Varuvaayaa" ..
not because of the Dhanush Simbhu race which already exists in kollywood but because i found the plots of the both movies to be very similar .
The movie starts with Dhanush and his friends , a girl comes in .. Dhanush uses some bad words against the girl .. , the audience loves it . Its a trend now to talk bad about girls .. the cultural belief of the generation is " girls dump boys " .
thats the slogan for the recent tamil movies , thats the formula behind the reach of " kolaveri " song and " adidaa avala odhadaa avala" song and even behind the hit of VTV where Trisha dumps Simbhu .
But the girl in mayakkam enna is not such type .
Both in VTV and Mayakkam enna .. the hero is in pursuit of his dream , his passion ie his career .
Both in VTV and Mayakkam enna .. the hero falls in love once he sees the girl . In VTV .. simbhu has a crush on trisha's beauty and the way she carries herself . In Mayakkam enna .. Dhanush knows there is something wrong after seeing her.
Both in VTV and Mayakkam enna .. Trisha knows the relationship wont work out right from the beginning .. but as she has a crush on Simbhu , she allows certain things to happen . For example the kisses in the train with ARR's BGM . that kiss is completely out of sexual tension but it gets a pure , magical love feeling because of the BGM .
Simbhu is paavam ( pitiable ) ... his crush gets encouragement from Trisha . In Mayakkam enna also .. Dhanush's crush is encouraged by the girl . It gets to the next level only after she hugs him and they both kiss in the rain .
Both in VTV and Mayakkam enna ... the girl has a problem with the boy's career . There .. Trisha doesnt watch movies at all and here in Mayakkam enna .. she says Dhanush is not a good photographer , he should better change his career .
Both in VTV and Mayakkam enna ... the hero is completely dedicated to his career and he never leaves it no matter whatever happens .
Both in VTV and Mayakkam enna ... the hero wins in his career .
so the scenario is like .. the boy ( lead role ) in both movies are the same .. but only the kind of girl he falls in love with differs and so his love relationship differs .
i like VTV , it is stylish and the relationship between the hero and heroine is also very real . very practical .. but i dont like it when it is portrayed as a perfect love story , lots of fans have this movie in their heart as an example of love . thats bad .
what they showed in that movie is the practical love that happens in cities among the present generation youth. Falling for the beauty of the girl , approaching , both of em .. mesmerised by sexual tension , sending msgs , secret kisses , unable to handle the possessiveness , ego problems , at the same time .. getting worried of future , break up finally .. and later regrets .
Trisha is a part of the reason why they get into a relationship but she becomes the sole reason for the break up of the two .
Trisha is a type of girl who doesnt give a fuck about his career , she wants him to come urgently , makes him mad and then when he comes .. she doesnt even come out of her house , she blames on him for everything .
What the hell ? this is not love .. this is chaos in life .
but lots of youngsters celebrate the movie because .. its the kind of love they get to experience , Today's parents let their daughters to mingle with boys , they don't question when their daughter talks in phone with a guy at night or when she brings home a guy for dinner . But when she wants to marry him .. they definitely wont allow . They act like they are Broadminded but it has limitations , deep inside they are very strict about colour , religion , cast etc . love marriage is a bad word in their dictionary . Then they also want to be broadminded because they want that image in society . The problem starts there ....
so the girls fall in love with a guy eventhough she knows she cant marry him ,
As she lives with a lot of freedom to hang out with a guy .. she also falls in love with him in a loose hope of getting married . Then breaks up in the end because she is a girl , she cant leave her parents .
VTV was a huge hit in cities because 70 % of the love happening in cities are like this . They say love is pain .
VTV is a (love or crush ) story painted in Blue tint , soft exposure and AR Rahman's music . The style was wonderful but the substance is of a bad quality . The performance , cinematography , direction everything was great .... my complaint is only about the type of example it has set for the love of this generation .
Im sorry for all VTV lovers , im sorry for giving a lecture..
on the other side .. Mayakkam Enna is a journey of how a guy's life is saved by his girl ie his love .
This girl may seem to be cheap at the beginning as she hangs out with two guys .. but she clearly knows the difference between a date and a love relationship . she fights for what she chose . she marries him and then what follows is too hard for any girl to take . she lives through a lot ..
in the honeymoon scene , she says "take me somewhere u can afford" , starting from there ...
She understands his alcohol addiction , she cooks for him despite his bad behaviors , she supports him when the neighbors complain , she gets beaten up by him and she tolerates his activities , understanding his depression . She knows him very well , she protects him from problems , tries to keep him far from drinks during functions ..
The same girl who said his photography is not good , she keeps posting his photos to journals and magazines . she does it with great commitment .
At one point .. a friend tries to take advantage of her tears, he tries to persuade her to leave Dhanush . But she calmly says "Go Find a Wife for yourself", don't try to seduce another man's wife . But she also doesn't hate that guy , she understands the nature of most men , she asks sorry for crying . A man will try to comfort a girl and get her love whenever a girl shows signs of weakness . so she blames herself and she maintains the same friendship with that guy . She also advices him to not call her husband as a CRAZy Guy .
Even when the baby in her womb is destroyed by Dhanush's mad behaviour .. she comes back home from hospital and cleans her own blood .
And in the final scene , she doesn't talk to him but she sits in front of the tv to watch him contesting in that award function . she also makes others watch it . she is so proud of him .
the movie ends when Dhanush says to the world that his wife is an iron lady .

this is how a relationship should be ... i dont mean that a girl should go through all this torture , but this girl loves him so much , the guy also is deeply in love with her , his activities due to depression and alcohol addiction doesnt destroy his love . Love is not pain , love is the pain reliever .
This movie showed us the kind of love which cant break , whatever disasters may come in life , this love wont fall .
This movie is one of the best dramas in cinema . Karthik Swaminathan and Yamini will be one of the best pair , characterizations in cinema . This is an example for love which can change the prejudice of a lot of parents .
the events ,the flow & order of events are so powerful .. the impact will be felt even without background music .
selva's movies always have a peppy , colourful , fun filled first half and in the second half when the movie goes into the actual reality .. people dont accept it , this is the reason for the downfall of pudhupettai in box office . But film lovers always like it . Selva has shown the crude nature of a relationship . There are some raw depictions ...
VTV was a movie in which even the struggle for career and love was shown with beautiful music and cheesy screenplay and fast editing .
Here in mayaakkam enna .. when the girl after she comes from hospital , she cries , Dhanush cries , they cry for losing their baby , there is no BGM and the audience go nuts ,,
Lack of patience in the audience doesn't mean there is lag in the movie.
I loved this movie , it was a beautiful journey and many of my friends like it
but two days after release .. . im seeing a lot of bad reviews abt the movie along with the good reviews and highly contrary comments .. ,
some even comment that its the worst movie they've seen .
so here i list out some reasons why i like the movie .
to make the page interesting .. im comparing it with another movie "Vinnai Thaandi Varuvaayaa" ..
not because of the Dhanush Simbhu race which already exists in kollywood but because i found the plots of the both movies to be very similar .
The movie starts with Dhanush and his friends , a girl comes in .. Dhanush uses some bad words against the girl .. , the audience loves it . Its a trend now to talk bad about girls .. the cultural belief of the generation is " girls dump boys " .
thats the slogan for the recent tamil movies , thats the formula behind the reach of " kolaveri " song and " adidaa avala odhadaa avala" song and even behind the hit of VTV where Trisha dumps Simbhu .
But the girl in mayakkam enna is not such type .
Both in VTV and Mayakkam enna .. the hero is in pursuit of his dream , his passion ie his career .
Both in VTV and Mayakkam enna .. the hero falls in love once he sees the girl . In VTV .. simbhu has a crush on trisha's beauty and the way she carries herself . In Mayakkam enna .. Dhanush knows there is something wrong after seeing her.
Both in VTV and Mayakkam enna .. Trisha knows the relationship wont work out right from the beginning .. but as she has a crush on Simbhu , she allows certain things to happen . For example the kisses in the train with ARR's BGM . that kiss is completely out of sexual tension but it gets a pure , magical love feeling because of the BGM .
Simbhu is paavam ( pitiable ) ... his crush gets encouragement from Trisha . In Mayakkam enna also .. Dhanush's crush is encouraged by the girl . It gets to the next level only after she hugs him and they both kiss in the rain .
Both in VTV and Mayakkam enna ... the girl has a problem with the boy's career . There .. Trisha doesnt watch movies at all and here in Mayakkam enna .. she says Dhanush is not a good photographer , he should better change his career .
Both in VTV and Mayakkam enna ... the hero is completely dedicated to his career and he never leaves it no matter whatever happens .
Both in VTV and Mayakkam enna ... the hero wins in his career .
so the scenario is like .. the boy ( lead role ) in both movies are the same .. but only the kind of girl he falls in love with differs and so his love relationship differs .
i like VTV , it is stylish and the relationship between the hero and heroine is also very real . very practical .. but i dont like it when it is portrayed as a perfect love story , lots of fans have this movie in their heart as an example of love . thats bad .
what they showed in that movie is the practical love that happens in cities among the present generation youth. Falling for the beauty of the girl , approaching , both of em .. mesmerised by sexual tension , sending msgs , secret kisses , unable to handle the possessiveness , ego problems , at the same time .. getting worried of future , break up finally .. and later regrets .
Simbhu is a kind of boy in the movie who comes to see her girlfriend in chennai from Goa in midst of his shooting . After great efforts to become an asst director , its the first movie he works in .. and still he comes to see her .
What the hell ? this is not love .. this is chaos in life .
but lots of youngsters celebrate the movie because .. its the kind of love they get to experience , Today's parents let their daughters to mingle with boys , they don't question when their daughter talks in phone with a guy at night or when she brings home a guy for dinner . But when she wants to marry him .. they definitely wont allow . They act like they are Broadminded but it has limitations , deep inside they are very strict about colour , religion , cast etc . love marriage is a bad word in their dictionary . Then they also want to be broadminded because they want that image in society . The problem starts there ....
so the girls fall in love with a guy eventhough she knows she cant marry him ,
As she lives with a lot of freedom to hang out with a guy .. she also falls in love with him in a loose hope of getting married . Then breaks up in the end because she is a girl , she cant leave her parents .
VTV was a huge hit in cities because 70 % of the love happening in cities are like this . They say love is pain .
VTV is a (love or crush ) story painted in Blue tint , soft exposure and AR Rahman's music . The style was wonderful but the substance is of a bad quality . The performance , cinematography , direction everything was great .... my complaint is only about the type of example it has set for the love of this generation .
Im sorry for all VTV lovers , im sorry for giving a lecture..
on the other side .. Mayakkam Enna is a journey of how a guy's life is saved by his girl ie his love .
This girl may seem to be cheap at the beginning as she hangs out with two guys .. but she clearly knows the difference between a date and a love relationship . she fights for what she chose . she marries him and then what follows is too hard for any girl to take . she lives through a lot ..
in the honeymoon scene , she says "take me somewhere u can afford" , starting from there ...
She understands his alcohol addiction , she cooks for him despite his bad behaviors , she supports him when the neighbors complain , she gets beaten up by him and she tolerates his activities , understanding his depression . She knows him very well , she protects him from problems , tries to keep him far from drinks during functions ..
The same girl who said his photography is not good , she keeps posting his photos to journals and magazines . she does it with great commitment .
At one point .. a friend tries to take advantage of her tears, he tries to persuade her to leave Dhanush . But she calmly says "Go Find a Wife for yourself", don't try to seduce another man's wife . But she also doesn't hate that guy , she understands the nature of most men , she asks sorry for crying . A man will try to comfort a girl and get her love whenever a girl shows signs of weakness . so she blames herself and she maintains the same friendship with that guy . She also advices him to not call her husband as a CRAZy Guy .
Even when the baby in her womb is destroyed by Dhanush's mad behaviour .. she comes back home from hospital and cleans her own blood .
And in the final scene , she doesn't talk to him but she sits in front of the tv to watch him contesting in that award function . she also makes others watch it . she is so proud of him .
the movie ends when Dhanush says to the world that his wife is an iron lady .

this is how a relationship should be ... i dont mean that a girl should go through all this torture , but this girl loves him so much , the guy also is deeply in love with her , his activities due to depression and alcohol addiction doesnt destroy his love . Love is not pain , love is the pain reliever .
This movie showed us the kind of love which cant break , whatever disasters may come in life , this love wont fall .
This movie is one of the best dramas in cinema . Karthik Swaminathan and Yamini will be one of the best pair , characterizations in cinema . This is an example for love which can change the prejudice of a lot of parents .
the events ,the flow & order of events are so powerful .. the impact will be felt even without background music .
selva's movies always have a peppy , colourful , fun filled first half and in the second half when the movie goes into the actual reality .. people dont accept it , this is the reason for the downfall of pudhupettai in box office . But film lovers always like it . Selva has shown the crude nature of a relationship . There are some raw depictions ...
VTV was a movie in which even the struggle for career and love was shown with beautiful music and cheesy screenplay and fast editing .
Here in mayaakkam enna .. when the girl after she comes from hospital , she cries , Dhanush cries , they cry for losing their baby , there is no BGM and the audience go nuts ,,
Lack of patience in the audience doesn't mean there is lag in the movie.
More existential topics are available @
good one
is that u? who wrote all this.. if yes .. jus for ur reviews i wud lik to watch this movie now!.. no secong thoughts..
exactly lik u i was confused to watch it or not:)
Hey dude... Professional thinking, and layman's terms - this makes your review all the more interesting. But I strongly feel you should not be disclosing the story as such in your reviews. If people came to know so much about the story, they might not want to watch it.. I'm still Ok with the review as I saw the movie and then read your review...
yes karthik .. , thats right , i posted the link in Fb with a SPOILER ALERT . ppl who haven't watched the movie should not read this .
actually mathi,in recent days people doesnt know what is true love.i was also searching it for a long time.i like vtv reason behind that is the flavour(editing,music,hero,heroine,practical scenes).we cannot compare this film with vtv.this is different in terms of everything. we get a feel,the pain when we see the film which we didnt in VTV.this covers a guys complete life cycle.Mayakkam Enna really impressed me .a good one again
yes stephen .. nowadays people dont know what is true love .
thats why .. a good relationship between a strong hearted girl and a depressed guy in mayakkam enna is misunderstood as slow and psychotic .
whereas a guy going crazily behind a coward girl in vtv is accepted as true love .
thanks for reading and im glad you liked the movie .
thanks rocky
thank you sweety .. i was not confused , i always believe in Selva , i loved the movie , after coming out of the theatre .. im hearing a lot of bad reviews which i couldnt accept . watch it and tell me .
Annaaa!!! This is one of the best movie reviews i've ever read!!! Feel writing a 'review' on 'your review' but not getting words!!! Just awesome!!! Felt it is the first of its kind, have become your fan!!! A deep, interesting, sharp observation on VTV & Ma.Enna!!! You clearly explained how VTV becomes popular and the later becomes great!!! Congrats na, keep writing!!! A good review should not be enclosed just with the scenes and performance, but it should discuss the current social ambience, current movies' status, contextual substance, things like that!!! And yours does!!! No words for me actually!!! Super annaaa!!!
really awsome portrait of the stories :) great work
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