Hii ,

In INDIA >TAMIL NADU > The Koodankulam nuclear power plant & the on going protest by the villagers to close it has created an awareness in me & i took some time learning about the anti nuclear campaign all over the world . i share it with you here .
read the link below to understand the protest going in koodankulam .
it is a global issue and it deserves a deep analysis . with my understanding of the problem , im giving it a try from my point of view .
i dont want to talk abt the Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters again .
because our nuclear power plants are 100% safe . The Government says so . .
the reasons for the governments to support nuclear energy are ...
They have to run the country and its economy . Nuclear energy is cheaper when compared to renewable energy and they are out of other ideas to produce electricity to the whole population and its growing needs .
There is some politics & military secrets involved . RUSSIA gets food items from India in return for its nuclear technology support , When asked about why we are still building nuclear reactors while Germany is closing them , Indian Govt says , Germany is out of uranium but we have abundant uranium resource .
They dont accept the reality that
" Germany has considered the welfare of all humanity" , they want to be free from the cheap energy which can put the planet at risk . nuclear reactors are also the main targets of terrorist attack ,
eventhough India has uranium why are we now getting it from australia ??!!
When i started thinking of all possible reasons for supporting Nukes .. i found out the ultimate reason of all , deep down inside .. , psychologically and it may even be genetic in this generation .
yes i know what we are ..
accept it before you go reading below //
what puts us in this place .. lets see .
There are various forms of energy , they are ..
Thermal energy,
Chemical energy
Electrical energy
Radiant energy,
Nuclear energy
Magnetic energy
Elastic energy
Sound energy
Mechanical energy
Luminous energy
as we have studied in school ,
" Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but can be transformed to other forms "
keep this law in mind for sometime .
im meeting a lot of people who support nuclear energy , they see the protests by the villagers near koodankulam as ignorance and lack of awareness on the benefits of nuclear energy .
they pretend like scientists when they support scientific advancements like nuclear energy . science can be misleading sometimes .
the most said complaint on the protesters in koodankulam is
" what were they doing when the construction of the nuclear plant started ?? "
yes they are late , they are late to protest . But atleast they understood the problem before we did .
( from a new information -
People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy was opposing the plant for about 25 years, there was even a police firing and one protester was killed ) But the protest became strong only in the recent months .
" there are more deaths every year by vehicle accidents than nuclear disasters , so shall we stop driving ?? "
there are license limitations , road rules , speed limits and speed breakers . and still when we meet with an accident , its the driver who is hurt and sometimes the person who comes along and sometimes 10 or 15 lives . But we took the risk , we suffer .
thats not the case with nuclear plant disasters , people who dont know about nuclear energy , who dont know about cancer will be the victims . And as a reminder .. we humans are just one mong the 8.7 million species living on the same planet .. plants and animals who dont give a fuck about electricity will be the victims . Radiation will get our genes and will follow in our life affecting even our grandchildren and generations to follow. radiation will be like our next door neighbour , and it even has a life of its own .
Radiation will stay in the Chernobyl area for the next 48,000 years but humans may begin repopulating the area in the next 600 years or so . WTF ?? is this what we are dealing with ??
we all know we have gas cylinders in our homes , it is 100 % safe , yes it is 100% safe or else why would we be having it in our homes ?? , the government supplies it and we dont have to worry about it . but we see gas cylinders destroying lives in newspapers and tv . yes its capable of doing that . NO we are not going to protest against it . because we have to cook , we have to eat.
likewise the government is building a big gas cylinder , its a nuclear plant , thousands of times bigger , its 100 % SAFE . its for our routine needs &&&&&&
ITS CAPABLE OF A BLAST , kaboom !!!now tell me ..
do we have to protest or not ???
dont be on the govt's side again saying its safe , c'mon , i know we are cooking and eating daily with such belief .
but just re- think , KABOOM !!
NOW GETTING BACK TO SCIENCE ... that we left behind the Einstein's pic above ^
we need electricity for lights , fans , the computers which run companies , charging cell phones , vehicles , mosquito mat vaporizers etc .
so when we think of shutting down nuclear plants .. the question that hits the mind is
what do we do for current then ?? especially the coimbatoreans , OMG .. 8 hrs of powercut daily already .
what the hell did we do before ,
what did people do before "
Benjamin Franklin flying a kite during a thunderstorm" thing happened?
only Around year 1900 people started using electricity . and in India .. much later .
so we are lucky to be born in this generation . if we consider ourselves lucky .. it makes
Charles Darwin , Swami Vivekananda , Charles Dickens , Karl Marx as unlucky because they were born in the darkness :p before electricity was in use .
so weren't they happy back then ?
YES they were .
electricity has nothing to do with HAPPINESS or PROSPERITY or SCIENTIFIC ADVANCEMENT . Its our habit and tendency towards electricity that has something to do with happiness , prosperity and science .
we cant live without facebook , tv serials and hair dryer because its our habit .
lets give science a second try ..
electricity really has a big significance in science , we might even divide the scientific advancements into two , BEFORE electricity and AFTER electricity but that will be wrong .
science started since the discovery of fire probably about one million years ago and the invention of wheels 5500yrs ago . so the 200 yrs usage of electricity and the advancements because of it is only a short history in science .
We must be ashamed to relate happiness , prosperity and science with electricity because that would insult our past generations .Learning more abt IMPERIALISM will tell us why we indians are wearing jean pants even in summer and suits for parties . The funniest is IT employees wearing necktie for work . ROFL . we are following the west for no reason .
will you be able to accept if i say ..
a link for the book readers
http://www.amazon.com/Osho-hidden-mysteries/dp/8172610084 "Hidden Mysteries" is a scientific and insightful exploration (from a contemporary mystic) of what many perceive as the outer trappings and paraphernalia of religion.
im not force feeding OSHO , lets leave it there
mantras and chanting are science , we call it superstitions . how can it be science ??
as i listed out earlier , sound is just another form of energy .
when today's electric energy can perform miracles .. The sound energy of the past can also perform the same . energy can be transformed from one form to another .
"open sesame " can really open doors because it is sound energy ..
will you believe if i say the top of the pyramid of GIZA opened because of a sound ??
It was not until the wee morning hours of June 9th (June 7th by the Lunar calculation) that success was achieved, and by mere accident. Our voice recorder (of tone vibrations) was turned on accidentally when Amend Abouu stooped over to step down and begin to make an exit. Results occurred immediately. This 15 ton block began to slide inward at a slow pace, creating with its movement a sound of stone rolling over pebbles, yet not really this type sound. The precise time was seven minutes past the fourteenth hour of midday (fourteen and seven is 21) or seven minutes after 2 A.M. of the 9th of June. Apparently, as we reasoned later, the
time divisible by seven of the exact day plus the correct tone vibration of the key words led to the secret of the opening. The stone block rolled (or slid) inward for a distance of not more than seven feet, leaving only a clearing of a mere three feet (90cm) "
this is from a book by the researchers in 1980 but the egypt government doesnt support more research , its banned . petitions are being sent daily for more research .
so there was sound energy ruling the world before electricity and it would have been more safer .
we cant argue if that form of energy may support our todays needs . that would be lame because our needs change with the type of energy we are provided with and which we follow .
at a point in the path we changed towards electricity and our needs changed to what we can do with it .
im not against pizza and electricity here ,
when asked which is better ..
Wind power or nuclear - wind
solar or nuclear - solar
coal or nuclear - NO to both (coal is the reason for high emission of carbon di oxide but still it doesn't have radiation and it is controllable , growing more trees can solve the problems with coal )
when it comes to
NO ELECTRICITY or nuclear - ????????? as slaves of electricity we might choose nuclear .
this is the point where the government can take easy advantage over us. instead of concentrating on renewable energy resources the authorities are trying to persuade us towards nuclear energy .
the government lures us by mentioning how many megawatts current the reactor can produce and how much it is safer than coal because there is no emission of green house gases in nuclear fission reactors . other than that they don't speak of anything .. they never mention what they will do with the nuclear waste which is highly poisonous and radioactive .
One day we will be completely dependent on the uranium import to run the country and that's what the west also needs . we will end up signing intimidating policies after policies . and that's where we become the real

if we can go completely against Nuclear energy , if we can live through the present electricity crisis & with little dedication we might end up in a world of beautiful wind mills in midst of agriculture fields and solar panels generating power in the dry lands .
today our country is not interested in solar and wind because they are not cheaper and they ignore to research more on it . but UNO says .. with complete commitment to renewable energy and in mass production of it .. the cost of establishing and running renewable energy methods will drop . we can 100 % rely on solar power in 2030 .. scientists say .
while its time to make plans for a beautiful clean future .. we cant keep a step in the opposite direction towards nuclear energy .

regarding solar energy .. why do we want to use nuclear fission of uranium when there is nuclear fusion ??
i mean the nuclear fusion happening in the sun . it sends energy for us from up there and it will continue to send for another 5 billion years atleast . we don't have to worry about the energy resources after it dies because earth will also die along with it .
we also have to talk about Biomass energy . it is the energy by burning plants and dead animals or bio wastes .They say . biomass is just like coal , it emits carbon di oxide resulting in ozone depletion . that is untrue , biomass emits co2 but we will be growing more plants in the process as raw material , so they absorb the co2 and will keep the air recycled .
this is really not rocket science , the governments should go for it .
and talking of biomass .. i want to share the fact that cannabis ( marijuana or ganja ) is a really good plant for biomass energy . it is illegal in many parts of the world including india . in a country like india where marijuana is a part of the religious rituals .. we have it banned . thats a whole different story , again due to the previous USA politicians and the businessmen there , to have the coal and oil mines running 24*7 , to make money .. they banned a cheap and reliable energy source in the name of drugs , and they made several countries including India to sign policies to follow anti marijuana laws .
The US government in the beginning dint want to use cannabis for fuel because the same cannabis can be used as drug, to get you high . but that's wrong .
what the cannabis farmers ask for is legalisation of hemp which is a type of marijuana but not actually it. HEMP has only minute levels of THC but still they dont legalise it because they say they find it hard to differentiate the different species .Biomass energy is arguable because the fertilisers and pesticides used for plants also contain carbon emissions but in hemp .. it doesn't need fertilisers or pesticides . it is highly sustainable and its fibers produce more energy than trees . so it will even stop the process of cutting down trees . some things really have the ability to change the world .
so pls support medical cannabis , cannbis for biomass energy and cannabis for recreational use .
pls dedicate some time for the following links .
anti nuclear activism @