Sunday, November 23, 2014

Interstellar review

* "Novikov self-consistency principle"

The time travel concept is paradoxical and raises a lot of questions but the scientists keep taking the concept forward. Its like the scientific community agreed to fixate on a very comfortable principle to get rid of the paradox problem.

The principle asserts that if an event exists that would give rise to a paradox, or to any "change" to the past whatsoever, then the probability of that event is zero. It would thus be impossible to create time paradoxes.

why is it important here ? "Kip Thorne" (physicist) one of the masterminds behind the film interstellar is a coauthor of this principle. 

Stephen king once criticised Kubrick for not doing justice to his book " in "the shining", Likewise the film" 2001 a space odyssey" had big differences from the book too. We cant discuss interstellar without bringing in 2001 a space odyssey.

Interstellar has replaced the monolith in 2001 with a tesseract, that's all !
The monolith is there in every stage of human development from evolution to space travel.
Likewise the tesseract helps cooper step by step right from delivering the co ordinates of NASA till getting the data from the singularity.

The actual script by 
jonathan nolan and kip had many many wormholes and black holes but Nolan chose to have only one black hole n wormhole because he was not doing a marvel film. 

* "Dimensions"

On reading "flatland" (
carl Sagan explains it in one of the episodes of "cosmos") or by watching the documentaries like "imagining the ten dimensions" it is much easier to understand this film. 

Dr. Brand says to Cooper at one point in the movie .." we have not yet found an unified theory which can contain both the ideas of quantum mechanics and relativity" so until then this interstellar travel is the only hope for us. you are the best we have , so take the Endurance, go into the wormhole. 

Nolan intends to put the audience in a sense of wonder by creating a rapid time shift between the characters( time slippage of 51 years). Time is the major element and so the planets to be visited according to Dr. Brand's plan are all comfortably placed near the black holes by Nolan's wishful thinking, the dramatic license is breathtaking especially because it doesn't seem to break any scientific laws, thanks to Kip Thorne.

* "Gravity"

If you watch the alien space ships making a crop circle on a field, its like they use some wave energy (gravity?) to create those designs on the ground. 
Cooper sends signals from the tesseract to the 4 dimensional earth 
through gravity waves. 
Nolan literally gave us a clue on how the other dimensional beings can contact us. Gravity may be the answer. Gravity doesn't have to abide the laws of space time physics, it can travel beyond time and dimensions. The possibility of 5D beings communicating with Cooper or Cooper communicating with his daughter is only through gravity. Even in "2001 a space odyssey" .. Kubrick dint go this far to explain what's happening, he just stated that there is a divine intervention " a monolith" a mysterious influence in every big step of mankind.

Dr. Brand tells cooper about the wormholes these higher beings have placed in space for us to explore and find hope. The 
higher beings are mentioned very early in the film which helps in setting the film as fantasy genre even though the crew took enormous efforts to create an actual representation of wormholes and gargantua the blackhole. 

1. The spherical wormholes can be entered from any side of those things.
2. A spinning blackhole as big as Gargantua will bend light waves around it .

So far we have seen only radio images, spectral images of black holes from NASA, but this film managed to show how it will appear in real for human eyes. 

* "Murphy's law"

Cooper says to his daughter " what has to happen will happen"
wikipedia definition says" 
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong".
Similar to the lines from the poem Dr.Brand says to cooper "
do not go gentle into that good night"
we cant do anything about the apocalypse but lets just try in vain or is there still a hope ?

Why would Nolan need murphy's law in a scientific film ? because this is Sci "fiction" and moreover a fantasy film. 

Novikov self-consistency principle says there is no chance of a paradox in time travel.

whats time travel ? going forward or going backward in time.
Most scientists accept time travel is a possibility but they don't really accept the chances of going back in time because it creates paradoxes.

Imagine yourself going back in time and killing your grandfather while your father was not born yet,. that means there is no father and no "you". How will you go back in time when there is no "you" ??

as simple as that.

Even a small thing like breaking a bottle has a paradox in time travel because breaking a bottle is easy but reversing the event, the broken bottle going back in time to its old shape, the same as it was with 100% perfection is not easy. Why ??
Its called Entropy, it is the measure of disorder.

When ice melts, there is no gradual drop in temperature but instead it remains at the same 0 degree Celsius until it melts completely. so what is the change in chemical energy until it melts? it is entropy, entropy changes till it melts and cause real temperature change only when it totally melts . Same happens while water boils , or bottle breaks or in the big bang of the universe. Entropy is a real thing, we cannot control it. So when entropy cannot be controlled we cannot bring back a broken bottle to its original shape. 

Novikov self-consistency principle doesn't deny backwards time travel but it says if there is a backwards time travel then it has to be self consistent, the possibility of changing anything or creating a paradox is zero.

"Your own mother was needed to give you birth; But you could not have been born without the sun and the earth. Even these could not have caused your birth without your own desire to be born. It is desire that gives birth, that gives name and form. The real world is beyond the mind's ken." - Nisargadatta magaraj.

So the science of NASA and other labs are all ideas of the mind , just the mind and not the reality , no one knows the reality except the people who can see beyond the mind.
Any action can trigger a series of consequent reactions that have no connection to the motive of action. Its a wave of actions , one action creates a ripple and it affects a lot of things like a chain reaction. So someone's attempt to go back in time and kills his grandfather won't just create one paradox but a  whole lot of paradoxes. "What has to happen will happen." 

I believe Nolan has used the law of consequences or the law of karma in the name of murphy's law. The murphy's law is the fabric that holds everything, whatever that happens in the story.

The moment we change something.. that becomes a parallel world. 

Multiple dimensions or multiple planes of existence ( lives) are like multiple copies of a single slice of time. When paradoxes happen , they become a copy of the reality, quantum realities. 

This film is not about time travel but it strictly follows a set of rules put forward by Kip thorne and Novikov principle is one of those, This is why Nolan decided to explain the movie in one timeline.

So when someone  kills their grandpa by time travelling to the past.. they create an alternate reality. But nothing happens by chance , nothing is a co incidence, everything is entangled in the meaningful universe. 

So when a random stranger gets affected by someone's effort to go back in time and kill their grandpa .. maybe the stranger deserved it and he was there for a reason or maybe it just happened, an accident. Karma is not a tit for tat game. 

So what happens when a scientist doesn't believe in the law of cause and effect (or the murphy's law)? he thinks he has errors in his time travel experiment, he calls those errors as paradoxes and he finds a principle to avoid it in his mathematical calculations despite the fact that we can never go anywhere near the actual reality (the objective reality if there's such a a thing) with these principles, these principles are discussed merely to entertain our curiosity. 

There's no objective reality according to quantum science.

There was ghostly activity (or gravity) in Coopers book shelf for a reason, he got the co ordinates for a reason , higher beings placed a wormhole near Saturn for a reason, cooper gave his daughter a clock for a reason , nothing is a co incidence or mere chance. These events appear to be supernatural but all the magic in the world is nothing but the science that is not understood yet as Nassim Haramein also used to say.  In the end, Cooper steals a space ship to catch up with  Dr. Amelia Brand who is in a habitable planet in a different galaxy., He doesn't even seem to be bothered enough to take a team along with him, because the movie is not about science, it believes in the support of higher beings and the tesseract. It believes in love, that's why the hero deciding to go on a space adventure once again in search of his love becomes the necessary final scene.

Nolan definitely has done a homage to HAL 9000 from Kubrick's "2001 a space odyssey" through TARS and the idea of designing it like the monolith was brilliant ,

* "Tesseract"

In geometry, the tesseract is the four-dimensional analog of the cube. simply think of it as a cube within a cube. As a concept the tesseract functions as a wormhole, because it can bend the structure of the space-time. In interstellar Cooper jumps inside the black hole and gets pulled into the tesseract. Here the tesseract functions like the monolith. The tesseract is basically a platonic solid. There are many platonic solids in different names such as the dodecahedron which is similar to the tesseract. Though Plato cannot take full credits as the discoverer of the platonic shapes, he has done a great deal of research with it which has helped a lot of scientists like Heisenberg (quantum physicist). Plato's understanding of the solids and some of his other allegories probably come from solon who travelled to Egypt and other lands.

They believed a tesseract and these other multi dimensional shapes like the Merkabah have a very significant role to play in the nature of the world and its mysteries. There have been UFO space ships witnessed in the shape of Merkabah several times.

Cooper could see his daughter and his book shelf as time slices inside the tesseract, he is baffled but then he understands that he can access any moment of time in her life from inside the tesseract. But how to communicate ? he knows already - GRAVITY.
He understands he is there for a reason, he is pulled inside the tesseract by the higher beings but it is not him that they want , its his daughter, its all about her, she is going to save humanity from the apocalypse.
Cooper says " its me , I am the ghost " (not the actual dialogue). " They have constructed this tesseract to help me communicate with her.

* "They"

Throughout the entire movie we hear this word "They", "They are leaving bread crumbs for us " , "They gave us the co ordinates" , " They have placed wormholes in our solar system" etc.,  Who are "They" ??

As Dr. Brand says in the first meeting with cooper , "They" are higher beings.
What kind of higher beings ? in coopers conversation with TARS inside the tesseract .. he says they are us , we are they , we in the future , future humans. This is widely accepted by the audience because its comforting, future humans sounds like very scientific. Not to forget what TARS says immediately  “People didn’t build this tesseract” .
And then cooper says “Not yet ,but one day. Not you and me but people, people who’ve evolved beyond the four dimensions we know.”
Now how do we interpret this ?

TARS is a quantum machine capable of collecting quantum information. It says people dint build the tesseract. We know robots don't speculate , they tell from the data they collect. It has to be right.
Cooper is speculating but he too is having a great awakening , like in Kubrick's a space odyssey. The lead role in the final scene of space odyssey travels interstellar at very high speed , he becomes a higher being , something like a real GOD.

"They" or the term higher beings in interstellar can mean GODS literally, 5D beings are gods for 3D humans, and those 5D beings will have someone higher than them. Just an analogy but this is what interstellar is based on. 

So now TARS will collect the quantum data from the "singularity" and cooper will send it to his daughter through gravity by the clock technique.

* "Singularity" - The climax

A gravitational singularity or spacetime singularity is a location where the quantities that are used to measure the gravitational field become infinite in a way that does not depend on the coordinate system. - wiki

This simply means we don't know what it is , we cannot expect how things will be in singularity.
Before the big bang, at the starting point , all of space was concentrated as a single piece of mass. It is a singularity and similarly in a black hole everything is pulled to a single point which they call singularity. We can see the space ship travelling close to the black hole and not get pulled into it because they are out of the event horizon of the black hole. The event horizon is the point of no return in the black hole, even light cant escape from beyond the event horizon. When cooper jumps inside the black , he gets pulled into the tesseract and the focus is shifted to the time slices of his daughter near the book shelf . 
They get the data required to unite relativity and quantum physics. Even after Dr. Brand quits his research of finding a unified theory, Cooper takes a daredevil attempt to get that information needed for the research by jumping into the singularity. He is ready to lose his life to be able to finish the research and take all of the human species into space  (by harnessing gravitational energy and building stations using the data from the singularity).

But all of this has to be a metaphor because its highly impossible to go into a black hole, gather information and come back out to use it. It wont happen in real life because there's no help coming from the higher beings.

We know the spiritual evolution of man into enlightened beings through meditation and tantra transcendence. So the singularity is not just inside the black hole, it is also inside us.  If we can access the essence of the present moment without the interference of our mind and connect to our soul (the source) we also connect to the singularity of the cosmos in that moment.

This movie is about human awakening and transcending to higher levels.

* "Cooper coming back from the black hole and what happens after" - The Resolution

How does cooper come out of the black hole ? is the top 1 FAQ. 

There is a higher dimensional power in play, they would have brought him back. In the hospital the doctor says luckily we found you at the right time.

Remember ,,, the significance of  Dr.Mann in the movie
He says to cooper during the fight , when you die you think of your children because that's what matters, Survival . we have to survive for our children , they carry a part of us . Do u see your children cooper ?? 

Likewise when cooper finds out Dr. Brand's plan A was a lie... he gets shocked but Brand says .. We have to start thinking as a species and not as an individual person, We don't have the time and resource to save all the people of earth but we can create a colony on a habitable planet in space (plan B).
He says the continuation of the species ( survival of species) is more important than trying to save each and every individual on earth. 

Cooper dedicates his life and jumps into the black hole to collect data for plan A because he cant give up the people on earth. Even while thinking as a species ..its wrong to leave people to die. Creating a human colony in space after leaving the people to die on earth will save humans but not "humanity ". This message is mandatory in all apocalypse movies.

Other positives and negatives about the film ----

 1. A close similarity to 2001 a space odyssey - strangely positive

 2. Corn fields, dust storms and documentary films of apocalypse victims - Positive, it adds believability and helps in world building

 3. The time difference factor in each level of the dream was used for dramatic tension near the climax of the film Inception but in Interstellar, the scene where 23 yrs have passed after the incident in miller's planet (cooper watches the video messages from his son and cries) happens in just a few minutes after the space travel starts. The film elevates to a whole new level so quickly and it is good - positive
4. TARS and endurance - innovative and stylish. TARS was like a moving monolith. It was totally cool and had a steady character while the Endurance was a giant wheel in space , the shot of endurance moving across the great Gargantua was a spectacle worth watching in Imax. - positive

5. Murph shouting out Eureka in the end - not so cool - negative

6. Docking scene - classic heroism, well done. This is where Cooper proves he is the best.
Dr. Mann who is said to be the best of NASA docks it wrong after several attempts (even while the endurance was simply floating steady). He destroys the whole thing and dreams are shattered , the whole mission has failed that second but Cooper goes forward and docks his shuttle with the shattered Endurance (which is rotating out of control).  Cooper succeeds despite the sarcasm of TARS.

7. Love -  Dr. Brand says to Cooper and the crew "Love is the one thing that transcends time and space. " Cooper got gravity right in this film but he dint quite get it right about love. He took the wrong decision of going to Mann's planet. Love is always the right thing to believe and the theme is well established at the end. - positive

8. Do not go gentle into that good night -  I felt this piece of poetry was more of a tone than a theme. -negative

9. Music - double positive

10. Nolan's magic : this is mind blowing stuff. - positive.